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English & Linguistics / Where you live, is "appetizing" a noun?
« on: September 14, 2007, 07:09:33 AM »
I understand it's NY, NJ and CT.

Not PY, though some may argue the point.

( :) )

English & Linguistics / Where you live, is "appetizing" a noun?
« on: September 14, 2007, 05:58:49 AM »
I've never heard of land up.  I tend to end up.

But then, you all spell words with a z instead of a s.  I figure it's just mass regional colour. :)

English & Linguistics / Spaghetti Bowl
« on: September 14, 2007, 05:50:07 AM »
I thought this was going to be a thread about restaurants. :)

As far as I know, they're not called anything here - certainly not in any of the cities I've lived in (2 state capitals and the national capital so far).

(Although Canberra (national capital) doesn't really count - we only have roundabouts.)

English & Linguistics / Grammar Gripe
« on: March 24, 2007, 07:59:51 AM »
It's in the forum software and it bugs me. When you send a PM, it says "Thank you for sending a message to Friend's Name. They will be notified when they receive it."

I know that we use they because we don't want to be bigots and use he, but they is plural. I only have one friend!
What, we have PM on this forum?

I've never got one.   :cry:  

English & Linguistics / Quotes from work
« on: January 27, 2007, 09:49:39 AM »
Nothing to do with the topic, I just wanted to say I wholly appreciate rivka's sig (and porter's words.).

English & Linguistics / Query
« on: January 27, 2007, 09:38:25 AM »
I think all people are potentially gay, in the same sense that all people are potentially anorexic.  I think some people fall easily into it, and pretty much anyone could be trained into it.  But that's very different from saying everyone is anorexic until proven otherwise.
Excuse me?  

I think all people are potentially gay, in the same sense that all people are potentially anorexic.

You know what?  I have really liked reading (and sporadically, I know, interacting with) this board, partly because I have been able to grow to appreciate people with a very different view from mine.  

But the idea that gay can be equated with anorexia without even an eyebrow raised - d'you guys not see any difference?

English & Linguistics / Hors-d'œuvres
« on: December 06, 2004, 09:35:52 PM »
Annie's tagline works well with her last post.


Speaking of food, we met with our wedding caterer last night.  Annie, I wish you had been there so some-one else could have been drooling over the menus as much as I was.  (Cocktail food - but amazingly delicious and yummy cocktail food.  The caterer is our big expense.)

English & Linguistics / Another survey
« on: December 06, 2004, 07:30:58 PM »
Done.  :)

You'll know which one mine is by the whole Australia thing.  

Unless you have lots of random Australians stumbling onto the site. Could happen.  :P  

English & Linguistics / A linguistic survey
« on: November 28, 2004, 10:17:46 PM »
I chose the second one.  In fact, I couldn't understand how the first one *could* be a valid intepretation until I read through the thread.

I have never heard the first interpretation here.  Although to clarify I'm not sure I have ever heard the phrase itself here either.

Thems are weird people, ducky.

English & Linguistics / Quick Capitalization Question
« on: November 14, 2004, 03:25:54 PM »
Oh dear.   :(

I'll have to remember this moment when I'm out washing car windscreens at traffic lights for a living.  "I had a promising career - until the rogue capitalisation incident of '04..."

(At least the © wasn't a copyright sign in my title.  My computer just changed that for me of its own accord)

English & Linguistics / Quick Capitalization Question
« on: November 14, 2004, 06:05:42 AM »
So, this was my title for my honours dissertation (the title was finalised the day the dissertation was due...)

A Jurisprudential Model for Article 38(1)©: A way forward for General Principles in the International Court of Justice

How terribly bad is the non-capitilsation of 'way'?

(The rest of the dissertation was good.  I'm hoping that makes up for it. *fingers crossed*)

English & Linguistics / "I speak a foreign language." How do you respond?
« on: November 14, 2004, 05:51:53 AM »
Actually, on reflection it's more like Ah-MUND.

I'd probably be able to write it more accurately if I actually knew the whole capital/emphasis deal. :)

English & Linguistics / "I speak a foreign language." How do you respond?
« on: November 14, 2004, 05:49:34 AM »
I didn't get it either, Anna.

I think that may because when I read words I pronounce them in my head in a crazy-Imogen way that only rarely gets spoken.

And I say PEE-CAN.   And AH-MOND.  And I love love love French culture.   :P  

English & Linguistics / Homophones
« on: November 14, 2004, 05:37:59 AM »
You decide...

The real question is, how many more can we find?  

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