Vote for Me!
My language blog is currently in fourth place in’s Best Grammar Blog of 2011 contest. Please help me get into the top three by voting for Arrant Pedantry! Voting ends today. No registration required; you just have to complete a CAPTCHA. Go here to vote, and please share this link with your friends.
Contest at Arrant Pedantry
For those of you who don’t usually read my language blog, Arrant Pedantry, you might be interested to know that I’m currently running a contest there. Suggest a topic for a future post, and you could receive a copy of Robert Lane Greene’s You Are What You Speak: Grammar Grouches, Language Laws, and the Politics […]
All Vacationed Out
We have had an incredibly busy summer this year, and though summer is usually my favorite season, I think this year I’m thankful for it to be over. It all started with moving to a new house in early June, which was of course a huge ordeal because we have an obscene amount of stuff. […]