So I was dreaming last night, and to the best of my recollection it was about two women who needed to do an autopsy on a dead animal. There was an actual voice narrating the events of the dream. One didn't want to do it, then the narrator said,
"Julie though was more miradeller about it."
I'm sure my brain made up that word, and I don't know how the word would be spelled if it existed. But it was pronounced me-ruh-deller. I woke up convinced that maybe my brain had recalled a word that I had just forgotten, as that can happen when I dream in Chinese. But no, it doesn't exist. It's supposed to mean the opposite of "squeamish" at least, that's the feeling my brain gave me.
I kind of like the sound of the word. At first pass, I'm not exactly sure what the synonyms would be for miradeller, which makes me want it to exist as a word even more.