My games of choice these days are weekly squardle, and duotrigordle jumble. Squardle doesn't have ads. Daily squardle is 3x3 5 letter words, and weekly squardle is 5x5 5 letter words.
duotrigordle jumble is fun to see if you can go through without any other strikes. There is a perfect challenge duotrigordle, where your first word (if a cromulent 5 letter word) is all green. I haven't gotten the hang of how to win that.
The trouble is I was starting to waste a serious amount of time playing duotrigordle, since games generally take 10-15 minutes, so by the time I'd done the daily, the daily sequence, and the daily jumble, and a perfect challenge, I was on my phone using my fingers for an hour. Sorry about that oxford comma. I felt it was warranted by the number of words in each list item.