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Author Topic: My spell check fails as a dictionary.  (Read 1323 times)

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Offline BlackBlade

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My spell check fails as a dictionary.
« on: September 14, 2013, 01:46:00 PM »
So I've noticed once in awhile I'll be writing, and spell check will tell me I have a misspelled word, and offer corrections that are not the word I'm trying to write. I then have to open up a tab and look up the word in a dictionary just to make sure I'm spelling it right, only to be informed that yes, I have, but spell check is stupid.

Today's word was endeavour. To be fair my browser thinks it should always be spelled endeavor, but since this is the second time it has happened today, and I could not remember the earlier offense, I'm starting with this entry.

I would be interested in knowing if these words or future ones also come up as wrong when you try to type them in a text box. :)

*clicks the add to dictionary option*
Kyrgyzstan, is the homeland of the Kyrgyzs, a people best known for cheating at Scrabble. -Tante Shvester

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Re: My spell check fails as a dictionary.
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2013, 09:35:53 AM »
There is a Yiddish phrase "schep naches", meaning, "derive joy [from]".  Spell check forever suggests that what I really mean to say is "schlep nachos", which means "tote a tasty, cheesy appetizer", which is not really the same thing at all.

Also, what's the deal with "analogue" and "catalogue" and "omelette"?  Are they all officially truncated to "analog", "catalog", and "omelet"?   When did that happen?
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Re: My spell check fails as a dictionary.
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2013, 06:47:47 AM »
Today's word was endeavour.
Go back home, you Brit!  We don't cotton to spellings like that over here.
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Offline BlackBlade

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Re: My spell check fails as a dictionary.
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2013, 07:39:47 AM »

I really wish I could recall the earlier example, it was a better one.
Kyrgyzstan, is the homeland of the Kyrgyzs, a people best known for cheating at Scrabble. -Tante Shvester

What, you expected us to be badly injured or dead, and flying blind to boot? You're the one who told us all to be Awesome. -Brinestone