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English & Linguistics / Re: Dear Expert
« on: June 04, 2017, 12:40:54 PM »
No, it's not waffly.  I think it's right, and it's probably why the QA added the comma.  It did make it more readable, and that might be the ultimate goal in typing a transcript.  But I left the comma out because I felt it wasn't grammatically correct to use one to replace "that".  Maybe an apostrophe?

My opinion is'we should not eat soup for breakfast.

Huh?  Huh?

[Grammarly hates this post.]

[Oh, wow.  Is that my signature?  Where did I get that from?]

English & Linguistics / Re: Dear Expert
« on: June 03, 2017, 06:08:30 PM »
Ergh. I hope it's okay if I drop in and ask Jon a grammar question.  I've been transcribing for extra cash and some of my documents keep getting "corrected" in questionable ways.  Most of the problems I can sort out myself, but this one thing is really driving me crazy. Is it appropriate to use a comma after is in a sentence like this?

My opinion is, we should not eat soup for breakfast.


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