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English & Linguistics / Irascible
« on: June 16, 2005, 12:39:31 PM »
I think we mostly learn where/when to use words based on context from speech or books, and we get the meaning of those words mostly from context. So if I learn from/am around people who misuse words, it spreads rather fast. And it's fun to say aloud those amusing new words I only read before, so sometimes I put words into my speech that I have never used before for the simple pleasure of pronouncing them and the novelty of their sound.

English & Linguistics / Drawerings: Bad or badly?
« on: June 12, 2005, 01:41:49 PM »
Awe. Hi-C. Tanks!

English & Linguistics / Drawerings: Bad or badly?
« on: June 12, 2005, 01:07:49 PM »
Draw your own conclusions.

...but please don't if you draw as bad as Slash.
This sounded wrong to me grammar wise. Shouldn't "bad" be "badly", or am I crazy? In other words, is bad used in this sentence as an adjective to describe Slash or his act of drawing, or is it an adverb (which I think it can't be, which is why we have "badly") used to modify (hmmm there's a better word than modify that should go here but I can't think of it) the verb "draw"?


English & Linguistics / Fix my Engrish [sic], please.
« on: May 28, 2005, 03:55:57 PM »
You asked for criticism. It's a mistake to take criticism as condescention.
Annie, you misspelled condescension. Perhaps you should take more time to post before defending someone else's criticism by criticizing.

Now do you think what I just said was condescending? Because I was trying to be all condescending in a very subtle way.  :tongue:   ;)

As to PC's "...I do on instict [sic]", I, like rivka, would like to know whether it should be "by instinct" or "on instinct". I've seen it both ways. My intuition tells me that in this case it should be "by instinct". However, I have heard people say and write many times that they "go on instinct". Help me, Jon Boy! You're my only hope!  

English & Linguistics / Dave's and Joy's rooms
« on: May 16, 2005, 08:23:53 PM »
Cool. Thanks!

English & Linguistics / Dave's and Joy's rooms
« on: May 16, 2005, 06:47:18 PM »
Tell me if this is grammatically correct:

"Once again, Dave's and Joy's rooms (bad grammar? - someone let me know) will
become available July 1st."

Two separate rooms, one is Dave's and one is Joy's.



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