Category: Work

Saturday, April 22, 2006

So I, Uh, Have a Job

This is more or less a repost from my forum, so forgive me if you’ve read it already. If I were the type of person to use the word literally incorrectly (and if I were the type to mix metaphors), I would say that it literally fell out of a clear blue sky right into […]

Work 9 Replies to “So I, Uh, Have a Job”
Monday, January 9, 2006

Job Hunting Is a Lot like Dating

I’ve been realizing lately that job hunting is a lot like dating (if you’ve read the title of this post, you probably already gathered that). Before college, I was always teribble at finding jobs. I’m sure this was partly because of my high standards—I wouldn’t do call centers, fast food, or grocery stores—and partly because […]

Work 5 Replies to “Job Hunting Is a Lot like Dating”
Thursday, October 20, 2005

They’re Hiring for My Old Job

I’ve been out of work for two and a half weeks now. The whole editorial department (all three of us) was laid off when there was a sudden budget shortfall. Sadly, it seems that we were some of the highest-paid non-executives there (which ain’t saying much), and it’s easy for people to think that we’re […]

Work 4 Replies to “They’re Hiring for My Old Job”
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