Author: Jonathon

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Triumph of Man over Machine

Ever since we bought my wife’s car (which used to be mine), nearly three years ago, we’ve had problems with the AC. I knew it didn’t work when I bought it, and to my surprise it turned out that all that was wrong with it was a bad electrical relay. But then it became apparent […]

Grease Monkeying 4 Replies to “The Triumph of Man over Machine”
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Home Alone

Early this morning, Brinestone and the kids left with her family to head up to a big family reunion up in Montana. They’ll be coming home Friday night. That means for a whole seven days, I’ll be home all by myself. (Note: I actually hate Celine Dion.) I was home for a few days by […]

Blog 3 Replies to “Home Alone”
Friday, June 20, 2008

Then We Came to the End

Yesterday was my last day of work. Today is our last day living in this apartment. Tomorrow we’ll move into a new apartment, Monday I start school, and Wednesday I start a new job. As you can guess, between the new baby and all this, I’ve been a little stressed out and exhausted lately, which […]

Blog, Graduate School, Work One Reply to “Then We Came to the End”
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