Author: Jonathon

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New and Improved Shirts

Just a quick update to say that I’ve redone the design for my Better Living Through Syntax shirts. Now it actually looks like a proper X-bar structure instead of a hastily drawn tree-thingy. Check it out! Keep in mind that the shirt colors there are just examples—you can choose your own. And, as always, if […]

Shameless Self-Promotion 0 Replies to “New and Improved Shirts”
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Testing . . .

I’m trying something new to control spam without requiring all commenters to create a new account here: I installed an OpenID plugin. I’d like some people to test it out and see if it’s working properly. If it is, I might leave things set up like this. If it creates other problems, then I’ll just […]

Blog 3 Replies to “Testing . . .”
Thursday, August 7, 2008

In Defense of Scrabble

Count me among those saddened by the loss of the Facebook application Scrabulous. It’s the sole reason I joined Facebook and (was) the primary reason I go there. Initially it was pretty buggy, and the interface wasn’t so hot and the servers were always down, but the creators kept improving it until it was a […]

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