Author: Jonathon

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Updates and Stuff

I’ve been a major blogger slacker lately (moreso than usual, that is). I’ll choose to blame it on finals and all that stuff, but I guess that excuse doesn’t work so well now that school’s over for the summer. But I’ve still been keeping myself busy with various projects, like continuing to work on Brinestone’s […]

Blog, Duplo, Graduate School, Grease Monkeying, Web Design One Reply to “Updates and Stuff”
Friday, March 6, 2009

Car Repairs, pt. 3

So I’m finally just about finished fixing Brinestone’s car. There’s still a little work to do, but it’s mostly minor. It’s been a fun couple weeks full of amateur metal working. All I had to work with was a dremel, a drill, and a hammer, but I think I did pretty well with what I […]

Grease Monkeying 3 Replies to “Car Repairs, pt. 3”
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Car Repairs, pt. 2

Work on the Beagle has been coming along pretty nicely. Over the past week I’ve managed to swap the fender, replace the headlight and grille, and start replacing the headlight and bumper brackets. It’s starting to look like a real car again—a horrible mismatched monstrosity, but a real car nonetheless. And luckily it’s been warmer […]

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