Author: Jonathon

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Because I Really Suck at Posting

I keep telling myself that I’ll get back in the habit of posting regularly, but for some reason it keeps not happening. It just might have something to do with the piles of reading and homework that I have to do every night. And the rest of my time is spent either taking care of […]

Duplo, Lego 2 Replies to “Because I Really Suck at Posting”
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Because I Suck at Posting

Cicada informed me today that I suck at posting. And what could I say? She’s right. I’ve been especially lazy about blogging this summer. I figured I should do something about it, so I’m posting now even as I speak. Updates on the Kids I’m frequently surprised at the things that come out of Lego’s […]

Blog, Duplo, Editing, Lego, Work 0 Replies to “Because I Suck at Posting”
Monday, July 13, 2009

One Year Older and Wiser Too

Friday was my birthday, and I’m still trying to get used to the fact that I’m now 28. Yeah, I know it’s not really that old, but I’m starting to feel not quite so young anymore. Anyway, it was a nice birthday, though most of the fun happened the two days beforehand. Brinestone’s mom and […]

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