Sunday, February 26, 2006

A Pain in the Neck

My neck has not been happy with me recently. My pillow was going all flat, and our mattress develops ruts in a matter of days, so I’ve been waking up with a sore neck every morning. It wasn’t anything crippling or debilitating, though it was starting to get a little old after about three days of it.

But then yesterday morning I woke up with a serious pain in my neck. I don’t know what I did to it in the night, but apparently it was very unhappy with me and had decided to go on strike. At least it wasn’t too bad so long as I didn’t try to do anything severe like turning it, looking up or down, or keeping my head straight. A slight tilt to the right seemed to be best. And as the day wore on, it seemed to be turning my shoulders against me, too, so that everything between the base of my skull and my upper arms was becoming a single rock-hard knot.

I took a nice, long, relaxing shower to try to get it all to loosen up, but then I made the fatal mistake of trying to pop my neck (I’m one of those freakish people who can pop just about every joint in their spines). I got three satisfying cracks out of it, but then suddenly the other side knotted up in response. All I’d managed to do was to make it switch sides so that now I was tilting my head slightly to the left instead.

And it’s remained knotted all up the right side of my neck all day long and shows no sign of stopping. I could really go for some muscle relaxers right about now.

My Crappy Health 3 Replies to “A Pain in the Neck”
Jonathon Owen


3 thoughts on “A Pain in the Neck

    Author’s gravatar

    Maybe you should just go see a chiropractor and get it straightened out once and for all.

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    I can recommend a good chiropractor who’s cheap and includes a kick-ass massage, if you’d like. PM me. Also, it may not be related at all, but if you were to have something like, say CFS it may actually be something like Fibro. They’re very related and a stiff neck (especially one that’s worse in the morning) is a symptom of Fibro. Of course, fibro has more to do with being sore all the time, but it also includes being tired all the time. And then, I may be over-doing this one, because I know a few people with fibro so I’m biased… but it might not hurt to look into on webmd or something… :shrug:

    Author’s gravatar

    Did I tell you that I have CFS? I don’t remember mentioning it. Anyway, it is entirely possible that I also have fibromyalgia too; my mom has been diagnosed with both. However, I’m not really sore all the time (just occasionally), so I’m really not sure.

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