You will all be pleased to learn that even though my blog looks exactly the same, I took it all apart and put it back together in a different order. Why would I waste my time on a project like that? Why, so I could get the RSS to work, that’s why. When I originally installed this blog, I integrated it into my site by taking the blog and inserting it into my existing index page. This had the benefit of being very easy for me while also producing something that looked good.
However, I had produced a hideous beast of an HTML page: it was a page within a page, complete with two sets of html, head, and body tags. It was actually not unlike the killer mutant siamese twin thingy from that X-Files episode “Humbug,” except that, to my knowledge, my blog neither killed people nor attracted the attention of a pair of paranormal investigators from the FBI.
But I digress. The important thing is that my blog is now composed of perfectly cromulent HTML and now produces perfectly cromulent RSS feeds. Now I just have to wait for someone to actually try it out.
4 thoughts on “Tada!”
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Rock on. Works fantastically (as evidenced by my quick response). Also, the X-Files comparison was hilarious; that’s one of the few I’ve seen.
William Morris
Congrats. How do you like working with WordPress?
And — that is one of the creepiest X-Files episodes ever.
My former boss used to have a mutant siamese twin in her office — it was a Mac that was both a laptop and a desktop — the laptop was inserted into this huge dock. And it hung out a bit from the dock so it looked like the computer had this swollen, square belly. Ugliest thing ever.
JB — you’re so talented — have you thought about being SELF-employed in something instead of looking for just a job? Seems to me there has to be something out there that you are talented enough to do as your own boss — and you have so much more control of your future that way.
Jon Boy
Braden: Thanks. Call me a nerd, but it was the first thing I thought of when contemplating my former page-living-inside-another-page structure. But now it has burst forth, fully formed, from the forehead of its father, scattering bits of grey matter everywhere.
William: I love WordPress. It’s very easy to use, and so far it’s been very easy to customize the look, too.
The question is, did the laptop sneak off at night and eat people?
Farmgirl: Thank you very much. I’m flattered. Unfortunately, I don’t know if I could really make a living customizing WordPress templates. Maybe I could survive as a freelance editor, but I don’t know the first thing about freelancing. Also, one of my best friends is a freelance computer consultant, and it sounds like a lot of extra work. I think I’d like more structure, too.